Monday, June 4, 2012


Check out my interview on my friend Karen's blog! And while you're there, check out her great book reviews. Spanning genres and ages, Karen provides insightful reviews on all types of children's book.
Click here for my interview with Karen!

My interview includes 3 questions about my writing, a small bio, and an excerpt from my middle grade manuscript, Breaking All the Rules.
Here's a sneak peak at the interview:

Why do you write for children?
 I write for children because those are the books that I loved most. My middle school reading years transformed me into a lover of books, and while at a young age I quickly moved onto adult literature, no other literature has impacted me in quite the same ways as the books I read during my elementary and middle school years. Children’s books allowed me to become a reader and lover of the written word. My heart remains with these books, and I really hope to make another child feel that very same excitement, identification, and desire for more literature through my own writing. 

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