Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wednesday's Writing Prompt — Dinner

You're character is invited to dinner at someone's house. But when he arrives, he realizes he hates half the food and has no idea what the other half  is. He's afraid to even put it in his mouth. What does your character do? What are the circumstances surrounding this dinner? Who's house is it? How good of friends is your character with this person? Or is it a family member? A grandmother? His significant other's parents? A potential step-parents perhaps?

There are many ways this situations could play out, but first determine if it will end well, or end in disaster. Can he spin the situation into a joke, or must he force himself to eat despite his fear? Will his companions understand, or will he be looked down upon for not eating their meal? Does he pretend to get sick or be called away for some desperate emergency? What are the options that are running through his mind? But most importantly, what does your character do in the end?

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